Republicans haven’t accomplished anything this year. But instead of course-correcting to deliver policies that help their constituents, they’re launching a baseless attack against President Biden. Email them now and tell them you're paying attention.
Republicans in Congress are wasting time and tax dollars, all in an effort to politically damage President Biden, appease Trump, and distract from their own inability to govern.
If you have a Republican senator (or two!), send them an email now telling them that you were paying attention to their blockage of the assault weapons ban and universal background checks, and that you've had enough of their thoughts and prayers. Until they do something, they've got blood on their hands -- and we're sick and tired of their thoughts and prayers.
A guide that offers a first, low-risk step anyone and any organization with a substantial following can take to step back from X. It is intended to help navigate the first hurdles in the admittedly scary process of de-emphasizing a platform that has been so useful to so many of us for so long – but has now become toxic.
Email MSNBC’s offices and tell them that we are disappointed by their decision to remove Mehdi Hasan as the host of his own show and that we want to make sure he continues to have a platform as a journalist we trust.